Here’s my little bit of the interwebnets. You can find out about me here.
- I will mostly be documenting things I learned to do and to share my vague knowledge with the world. Set your expectations accordingly.
Here’s my little bit of the interwebnets. You can find out about me here.
I’ll start off by saying I don’t fully understand what I’ve done here. This whole process stemmed from having to do some icky dev stuff in order to keep my Intune Dev tenant active. I still find it unbelievably moronic that MS don’t provide a tenant for testing Intune without forcing us to do dev stuff to keep it active - I’m on my 4th tenant now and it’s a PITA setting everything up again....
Businesses pay tens of thousands of $currency for Microsoft Partner consultants to come in, “modernise” their EUC estate, and leave behind a plethora of bugs and issues that shouldn’t exist because said partners are supposed to be “industry experts”. Completely unrelated, an issue I was working on at a client was with their Autopilot setup left behind from an MS partner that was causing a forced reboot mid-ESP. Shortly after entering company credentials, there would be a 10 minute reboot warning and no way to cancel - other than Shift+F10 and running shutdown -a which a normal end user wouldn’t know and shouldn’t need to know....
Find who created/deleted/modified a configuration profile Not that we operate in a blame culture and I’m sure you don’t either, but sometimes you need to know who created, deleted, or modified a configuration profile because sometimes people need hit with a jabby stick! Intune Audit Logs In Intune, we have some lovely Audit Logs under Tenant administration. Permissions To access and review Audit log data, you’ll need to be in one of the following roles:...
Setup Technologies MSI See post: MSI Installer MSI Authoring Tools Wix Toolet - Free - Hard to learn Master Packager - Freemium MSI Installer Tool ( - Freemium InstallShield See post: InstallShield Setups Wise Wise Setup files are a discontinued technology, but are still fairly prevalent. Setup switches are very simple. has an article on them here Article: Wise Setup.exe Switches ( Usual silent install parameter: setup.exe /S Nullsoft NSIS Website: NSIS Wiki (sourceforge....
InstallShield Setups When running InstallShield setups, they usually have this icon: And the setup dialogue looks like this: These setup files are often a Setup.exe. There are two types; InstallScript and InstallScript MSI. InstallScript MSI - Setup.exe has InstallScript inside that drives the install of an MSI. NOTE - Don’t be fooled into thinking you can just run the MSI - The Setup.exe will likely also run some other pre-requisite checks, custom actions, and/or post installation actions....