Other Installer Resources

Setup Technologies MSI See post: MSI Installer MSI Authoring Tools Wix Toolet - Free - Hard to learn Master Packager - Freemium MSI Installer Tool (advancedinstaller.com) - Freemium InstallShield See post: InstallShield Setups Wise Wise Setup files are a discontinued technology, but are still fairly prevalent. Setup switches are very simple. ITNinja.com has an article on them here Article: Wise Setup.exe Switches (itninja.com) Usual silent install parameter: setup.exe /S Nullsoft NSIS Website: NSIS Wiki (sourceforge....

15 Oct 2022 · Grant


InstallShield Setups When running InstallShield setups, they usually have this icon: And the setup dialogue looks like this: These setup files are often a Setup.exe. There are two types; InstallScript and InstallScript MSI. InstallScript MSI - Setup.exe has InstallScript inside that drives the install of an MSI. NOTE - Don’t be fooled into thinking you can just run the MSI - The Setup.exe will likely also run some other pre-requisite checks, custom actions, and/or post installation actions....

14 Oct 2022 · Grant

MSI Windows Installer

MSI Files These are generally easy as 3.14. If the vendor has adhered to MS standards then it should just be a case of running the MSI with: MSIEXEC /i setup.msi /qn Parameter Meaning MSIEXEC is the install engine. /i means install. /qn means quiet, no dialogue. Try: run “msiexec” in cmd to see the options. Things get a little more complicated when vendors start adding custom dialogues to the setup process, e....

14 Oct 2022 · Grant

Finding Silent Parameters

If you don’t know what the setup file’s silent install switches are, there are a few ways to find out. (Also, you will want the silent/unattended uninstall commands too.) RT*M Check the vendor documentation. Sometimes they’ll provide the info needed to silently install their product. Even better if they actually provide step by step instructions on how to install via Config Manager! (But don’t get your hopes up…) Just Bing it!...

14 Oct 2022 · Grant